For Saturday's lunch, I borrowed this recipe for garlic greens and white beans (pictured above) to finish off a big bag of kale but substituted black-eyed peas for the white beans because that's what I had in the cupboard. And Romano cheese instead of the Parmesan, not that there's much difference between the two.

I didn't cook again over the weekend because we had ample lunch leftovers and we dined out on Saturday, Sunday and Monday for our birthday weekend - my birthday was yesterday, and Steve's is today. So...I cooked for Steve and presented a couple of options for which I had already grocery shopped. Steve's preference was the Chinese hot pots, so that's what I made. The only deviations from this recipe were that I made it vegetarian (skipped the chicken pieces and used Better than Bouillon vegetable base instead of chicken broth) and made about a third of this recipe, since I didn't know how well any leftover rice stick noodles would keep. I also added broccoli and cilantro as recommended in this spicy Thai soup recipe. It turned out well, and for having over a dozen ingredients, it came together pretty fast. Which was good, since we were both hungry early this evening.
Soon to come...more seasonal veggie goodness!
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